28th – 31st May 2017, GHENT University
www.ugent.be | Programme

The 14th international conference of building materials and components will be held at at ‘Het Pand’, the Cultural Centre of the University of Ghent. The H-house project will be presented by several presentations. Katarina Malaga (CBI) will introduce the project and present the overall goals and project achievements and will talk in a dedicated session about the accelerated ageing of textile reinforced concrete. Patrick Fontana (BAM) will give a presentation about the durability of UHPC for facade elements with self-cleaning surfaces. Lorenzo Miccoli (BAM) will talk about the design of UHPC-AAC light-weight composite façade elements for refurbishment. Marion Sie (Cycleco) will present latest LCA results and talk about the influence of life span prediction on building component's LCA performance.